Monday, February 4

maybe one day...

After dropping the girls at school (have I mentioned the 35 minute drive?), I stopped by the house. When I recall that had things gone as planned, I would no longer be making aforementioned 35 minute drive but a mere 6 minute one. As I slide the car into park, I remember that we should be moved in. Tomorrow would make it a week. Suddenly I'm feeling vomitous.

Despite this, I'm still excited about our new place. I can't wait to get in there and paint those white walls. I'm anxious to place furniture and make decisions about knick-knacks. I'm even looking forward to the arguments I'll have with Mitchell about balance and symmetry. Never mind that all he cares about is that he gets a sectional with recliners for the family room and a new flat screen tv. This won't stop him from making comments about my desire for ample lamps. Or his inability to understand why the room needs a coffee table and area rug. I even look forward to the knock-down drag out we're sure to have over the color of said sectional.
The only color he can see is green. No. This hasn't been medically proven, I just know because of past experience. (Please see green van, army green paint he wanted to paint the kitchen cabinets, his entire work wordrobe, green truck, green couch he tried to buy me for Christmas in 2002, green couch he did buy when he was single, need I go on?).
Like I said, I'm excited. Maybe one day soon we'll get our keys. Maybe one day soon I won't be driving 90 miles a day and taking the dog out 4 times a day so she can do her business.
One can only hope that day comes sometime soon.


Naomi said...

So, so frustating, but really, it will all be worth it when you finally get those keys and it's all yours. ALL YOURS!

brandie said...

You are completely correct, I know. It's just hard for me to be in the moment when I'm constantly looking ahead to the house. KNow what I mean?

Rachel said...

Have they given you a REAL move in date yet? Or are they still kidding?

brandie said...

Nothing firm. Although the finance company thinks it should be the 16th. ????