Tuesday, February 19

am i not human?

I'm the first to admit that I make mistakes. I make mistakes while cooking, working, raising my children, dealing with family, balancing my checkbook, and yes, even while driving. Am I alone in this mistake making? It would seem that I am given people's reactions who happen to witness my driving faux pas. This morning I nearly got into an altercation with the teacher on parent drop off duty after I inadvertantly got a little curbage while pulling up to let my kids out. She rushes over, motioning to let down the passenger's window.
What's going on? Oops! Doing too many things at once! Got too close! (Of course I'm guffawing quite loudly now that it's confirmed that I've a witness) Is THAT what you were doing? (Please notice snide tone in which comment is made)
She's now bent over at the waist, peering at me in a rather stern manner. At this point, I begin to bristle.
What's the problem? (I'm now sneering at her)
She's still bent over, glaring at me. I begin to get that pingy feeling that occurs when I start to become enraged. Meanwhile, the girls are in the back seat, T watching the exchange, D passed out from the ride. In order to circumvent the police being called to arrest me for verbally abusing this woman, I begin calling out, "Okay. We're here! Have a great day!" After a few minutes, the girls have exited the car and are saying their goodbyes. Duty teacher is still glaring. Really? Is her driving record so squeaky clean? Has she never pulled too close to the curb and rubbed her tire against it? Am I truly the first person to have committed this sin while dropping off her kids? Meanwhile, parents driving Hummers and Expeditions are haphazardly dropping their children in the middle of the turn about because said Duty Teacher is too busy worrying about what I'm doing to her curb in front of the school. Swallowing any comments I might wish to scream out, I check my rearview in order to pull out, noting that Duty Teacher is still glaring.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Curb rubbing? That's it? That's your offense?

Sigh...public school teachers. I can totally say this because I was one, but sometimes, all it takes is giving someone a little bit of power over 25 eight-year-olds and they think they can rule the world.