Tuesday, March 23

the latest

The meeting with Mitchell's oncologist went about as I expected it would.  The scan showed that there are no positive changes in Mitchell's tumors (please notice Dr. Brown now refers to them as "tumors" and not "lesions"), especially in the liver.  We were presented with two choices--clincal trials or experimental treatment.

So what does that mean?    His current treatment has been stopped, and he is scheduled to have a liver biopsi late next week.  The sample will go through a series of tests to come up with a cancer profile, which will, in theory, allow the doctors to better treat Mitchell's cancer.  This whole process is considered experimental, but we have been assured that this is the cutting edge of cancer treatment technology.

On the good side, Mitchell will be given a much needed treatment break while the profile is generated.  Of course the pessimist in me worries that while not on treatment, his cancer will run rampant but I've managed to keep those thoughts at bay for the most part.

Meanwhile, Mitchell has developed some trouble with blood clots.  He is currently on twice-daily meds for a pulmonary embellism that developed on Friday.  Doctors believe that the clots are a result of one of the chemo meds.  He's taking it easy, and we are being watchful for any warning signs.

Tuesday, March 2

the un-break

Spring Break is right around the corner, and may I say that I am NOT looking forward to 20 consecutive non-school days plunked right in the middle of March.  Everytime I get on facebook I am reminded of how beloved this spring holiday used to be to me.  All my teacher-friends can think of little else other than what fun they will be having without their students.  I used to be them.  I would count down the days beginning that first day back from Christmas break.

Alas that is I no longer.  I'm now on the team rooting for shorter and less frequent school breaks.  In fact, year round boarding school is looking fabulous right about now.