Monday, August 25

cardboard is evil

I hate cardboard because periodically it manages to give me crazy-deep paper cuts. Right on the tip of my finger. Where anything I touch will cause it to burn like fire. Curse you, evil hot chocolate mix box. CURSE YOU!

Friday, August 22

don't stand so close to me

Recently I'm eating lunch at Taco Bell aka Toxic Belch aka I-Wanna-Get-Explosive-Diarrhea-Immediately. I am attempting to pay the dim-witted girl who has just half-heartedly taken my order when 2 teenage boys saunter/slouch into the place. One of whom proceeds to approach the counter and stands SHOULDER TO SHOULDER with me. First of all, a lot of times I don't want my own family to touch me. Second, why is this AXE-saturated degenerate feeling comfortable/confident enough to saunter over to a 35 year old stay at home mom and rub elbows with her? I immediately poke my unexfoliated elbows in his direction and make unfriendly old person noises. This doesn't make a dent and I am forced to verbalize my displeasure, "Hey, Kid! Watch where you're standing!" I've never sounded so old.

Thursday, August 21

pool frog

This slimy thing has been frequenting our pool hole. Trust me. He is fat and disgusting, and I'm fairly positive he leaves some sort of wretched residue in his froggy wake. Go away, gross froggy. Go away!

midwest extravaganza

Much of our time in Madison, WI was spent this way. See me in the background on the couch? That's about as exciting as it got. We did venture outside for a short while to jump rope with a TELEPHONE cord... Saying goodbye and heading to ChiTown The Windy City Minutes after the ceremony

Thursday, August 14

good news

Got the genetic all clear from the Dr. the other day! Way to go Squishy of the Thin Neck Skin!

Monday, August 11

squishy makes an appearance

Here is the latest pic of Squishy. S/he is lazing away comfortably in utero. This was taken last week during an extensive exam I like to call "You're-Probably-Too-Old-To-Have-A-Baby-But-Somehow-You've-Gotten-Yourself-Preggers-So-We've-Got-To-Check-It-For-Genetic-Freakiness". I have yet to receive the thumbs up or down as to my newest offspring's genetic normality(or lack thereof), but the Tech performing the exam was quite excited by the thinness of Squishy's neck skin.

Maybe it's just because I'm the Mom, but I fancy I can make out a little nose and some more of the trademark Harris lips.