Monday, August 11

squishy makes an appearance

Here is the latest pic of Squishy. S/he is lazing away comfortably in utero. This was taken last week during an extensive exam I like to call "You're-Probably-Too-Old-To-Have-A-Baby-But-Somehow-You've-Gotten-Yourself-Preggers-So-We've-Got-To-Check-It-For-Genetic-Freakiness". I have yet to receive the thumbs up or down as to my newest offspring's genetic normality(or lack thereof), but the Tech performing the exam was quite excited by the thinness of Squishy's neck skin.

Maybe it's just because I'm the Mom, but I fancy I can make out a little nose and some more of the trademark Harris lips.


Anonymous said...

I can see the cute little nose and lips as well! That is a very clear picture. I hope the sickness has subsided and you are doing well.

Naomi said...

Is thin neck skin good?