Tuesday, May 27

construction sucks

I live in a new development, so it makes sense that the presence of construction and its workers are still prevalent. They are, in fact, everywhere. Duh. I get that. But there's something about waking every morning to ranchero music, pounding hammers and loud construction-man chatter that makes me hostile. Perhaps if we could eliminate the blaring ethnic music and crude conversation that drifts over the fence at 5:16 am most mornings, I would be less hostile. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure I would still be bitching about the hammers (I'm a realist, you know). But with just the hammers, they'd simply be doing their jobs, and how can I find fault with that? Well, I could but my complaints would then be just the hateful, selfish cursing of strangers. Considering that our house was recently in the same state, I am shocked our neighbors talk to us at all.

1 comment:

1 said...

Wow... I mean, wow... I thought that staying at J's was bad with the ghetto booty music blaring at 2am on a random weekday....

If our new apartment is anything like your construction woes, I will be on the 10 o'clock news.