Monday, April 14

random thing I like

One of my favorite movies ever has been playing on STARZ this month, and I've watched it about 11 times. Aliens, circa. 1986, was a movie that freaked me out pretty dang good. Yes I did see it in the theater even though I was 13 at the time. My mother didn't believe in censorship. My brother and I were privy to a lot of cinema that was by all accounts much too gory and/or adult for us at a young age because of this (Thanks, MJ). There are many reasons why I love this movie, but Bill Paxton's Private Hudson is primary. He is hilarious in this. My favorite part of the whole movie is when Hudson freaks after the plane has crashed, generating some AMAZING spit strings.

1 comment:

EE said...

& what about your naive little cousin. I had nightmares about warewolves for years (although I do think she tried covering my eyes for that)