Friday, October 8

new right now

Spent the day with Mitchell in the ER.  After a miserable night at home, I convinced him to go in.  Long story short...The ct scan they did today showed "significant" growth in numbers and size of lesions in his liver and a handful new metastases in both lungs as well as growth in those already present.  He was finally admitted late this evening.  The plan is to reintroduce liquids and food and then his meds and see whether or not he can tolerate them.  Not sure how long his stay will be.

Although I am not surprised at this news, it leaves me feeling hostility toward health care in general.  Perhaps if the insurance company would pay for scans at regular intervals for Mitchell, the oncologist would know in a more timely manner that a protocol wasn't working.  I also realize that  chances are slim to none that we will beat this cancer...Knowing that, shouldn't Mitchell be given the opportunity to extend his life while battling this disease as much as is medically reasonable?  And have a reasonable quality of life at that? 

The longer we are in this, the more medicine seems to be random shots in the dark and less science and logic based on evidence.  No one seems to really know anything with any kind of authority. 

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