Thursday, October 7

right now

Mitchell has been laying in his recliner for the last seven and a half hours.  He's been having trouble with his stomach.  Apparently the last combination of meds has been doing a real number on his digestion. 

He met with Dr. Brown last Tuesday.  I feel like there's nothing really new to share.  Although I thought this last appointment would let us know when Mitchell's next scheduled PET scan would happen, but it seems that's not going to play out the way I thought it would.  Something about tumor markers and whether or not they're elevated.  I have no idea what the state of said markers are because the doctor failed to call and Mitchell has yet to track him down. 

My hopes right now are that Mitchell gets back on infusion chemotherapy.  Sounds crazy, but at least he gets the medicine when they're mainlining it into his system.  This whole pill thing isn't really happening. 

Another item of note is that Mitchell's pain level seems to have increased.  Stomach.  Shoulder.  Back.  Hard to say what is causing it.  Glass half empty reads its from the disease and not the meds.  Who knows really?

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