Thursday, June 25

more of the same

This afternoon's appointment was a touch disconcerting. When we arrived, we were surprised to learn that Mitchell's appointment had been cancelled without our knowledge. After some scuffling around, we were able to see Dr. Brown's assistant. She was able to tell us that the scan was inconclusive. The spots on his liver "seemed a little smaller", but the spots (please remember until the moment she says this, we are under the impression that he only has one spot in his lung) in his lung "appear to be larger". One of the tumors might be cavitious, but no one can confirm this. Basically a whole lot of nothing. Mitchell now has a PET scan scheduled the morning of July 6. This should give us more conclusive information regarding the lesions/tumors he currently has. We know that Mitchell with continue with chemotherapy indefinitely. Some time soon, they will have to discontinue the oxicyllin plantin because its side effects will eventually leave him disabled, which is something we obviously don't want. More than likely he will continue with the oral Xeloda and the Avastin infusions. On the bright side, there aren't any more metastases, and they still feel it's treatable.

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