Friday, June 12


update the blog
My mother keeps sending me emails with the above as the subject. "Update the Blog". Nothing in the body of the email except for her company's weird confidentiality warning scripty thing which is set off by about 7 continuous rows of asterisks. I find these emails irritating on a variety of levels. First and foremost, the fact that she uses the definte article THE to refer to my blog. Don't ask me why, but it raises my hackles. Coming a close second is the fact that MY blog has become an obligation...And pretty much everyone who knows me knows how I feel about obligations. Truth be told, I have made several attempts of late to do just that, but nothing was funny or peculiar or irritating enough. So there it went, un-updated. It is under severe maternal duress I compose this. Satisfied?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Please don't give her my blog address. Last posting: April 4th. I think. Been so long I can't really remember. Blogging every four months is exhausting. Take as much time between blogs as you need.

Speaking of obligations-I'm coming to the valley June 24-July 16. I'd love to see you-will you be around?