Thursday, March 13

why i hate the phone company

  • 4 separate service calls to our house & phones still don't work properly
  • Paying for call-waiting and caller id but it's not currently working
  • Needlessly delayed installation of satellite tv by 8 days (Nevermind the tv guy screwed up and didn't actually have to delay installing service, the lack of phone service caused said tv doofus to delay installation)
  • Random loose telephone wires dangling from a hole on the side of the house that should be attached but are not
  • Changed voice mailbox code without giving us the default code so callers currently receive the following message: "The mailbox number you have dialed is currently full and not accepting messages...." (so what if I'm too lazy to call phone company to get code)

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I have decided that most people in "repair" jobs are incompetence on some level.