Friday, March 7


Okay. It's finally happened. We have moved. In fact, we've been here for a week and a day now. AMAZING. I L-O-V-E it for realsies. We have no furniture yet (mattresses, a couch and a forlorn loveseat are the sum total), but I can't help but wake up smiling each morning, listening to the coyotes make wierd howly-yipping noises outside my window. Yea for me!


Naomi said...

Wait. If you don't have any furniture, what did you actually move?


Glad that you love it, especially after waiting ALL. THIS. TIME.

Rachel said...

HaHa! Funny comment above! So this is why you haven't been blogging? So glad for you! Can't wait to see more pics of your house! (Now that it is finished and not in a state of construction.)
Congrats dahling! You deserve it!