Thursday, June 16

moving forward

The girls and I recently returned from our first family vacation without Mitchell. The trip was a much anticipated one to Disneyland. Hayden's very first experience with the Happiest Place on Earth. For the most part it was a great trip. Hayden loved it, although the giant characters she really could have done without.

The last time we visited Disneyland was with Mitchell. There were many bittersweet moments both for myself and Taylor during our week long excursion. It made me sad to remember so vividly rides we'd enjoyed or places we liked to eat or even conversations we'd had on that last trip when the girls were small and easily impressed.

It was weirdly painful and satisfying to have made the trip and for it to have been a successful one.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I'm glad your trip went well. The pictures looked like you were all having a great time! I'm also glad that this milestone is behind you. Missing our coffee moments...
Any chance you and the girls can come visit MA this summer? :)