Tuesday, April 19

me hulk

So I guess I really don't know the extent of my own strength...Showering this morning, I literally ripped my shower head off the pipe-y thing that sticks out of the wall. How did this amazing feat of strength occur, you wonder? No, I hadn't been dead lifting the children prior... This was mere moments after staggering out of bed and into the stall, bleary-eyed and slightly disoriented. I reached up to redirect the bountiful spray provided by my 2-in-1 rain/hand held, and suddenly, the entire unit snapped free of the pipe and was hurtling toward my face. I narrowly averted disaster with some slick ninja in the shower moves, and the offending device clattered to the floor.

Somewhat bewildered, I scrambled to turn off the gush that sprang from the broken spigot. I stood for a moment, covered in body wash and conditioner, pink, plastic razor hanging limply in my hand.

In my immediate future, a trip to the Home Depot and the shower head aisle.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I can totally picture the look you must have had on your face.