Sunday, January 10

arms akimbo

More unsettling news in the Land of the Harrises and Colorectal Cancer. Mitchell's chemo has been altered due to unsatisfactory progress (or lack thereof). It seems those pesky cancer cells are fighting with renewed vigor in the liver and hanging pretty tough in the lung. Doc Brown has added a biologic to the treatment mix. Unfortunately this infusion has to be administered weekly. Fortunately, the chemotherapy infusion schedule remains the same (every 21 days). Amazingly Mitchell continues to fare pretty well despite the chemotherapy. He has gained weight (mostly, due to the steroid-decadron- he takes to control some of the more adverse side affects of the chemo) and is able to go about his business pretty consistently. It is still difficult for me to believe we are in the middle of all this. Even more difficult to believe we are going on Year 2. I often wonder how long Mitchell can keep this up.

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