Tuesday, October 20

and the fun keeps coming

Mitchell's scan was read today, and the results were not good. There are 2 new lesions in his liver and the couple or three in his lung are larger (of course, we're talking mm and cm, but still). Soooo..... They're switching his chemotherapy meds but using the same protocol. The doctor did say today that the treatment goals are for Mitchell to live with cancer as a chronic disease. He said that the cancer was not curable and could not give us anything concrete about what treatment will look like long term. I walked away from the meeting with a few impressions. The most shocking to me being that Mitchell's experience with chemotherapy is long term and on-going. I don't know where I was when this was discussed previously, but I did not realize that this had become a permanent part of our reality. We are now looking at 3 to 4 month chunks of time where he will get treatment and then have a scan to see what's going on and then proceeding from there. He talked about there being lots of different types of treatments and procedures that will most likely be part of our future. I feel shell-shocked.


Naomi said...

Understandably shell-shocked.

Rachel said...

Speechless. Still praying for you all. Lots of love sent your way.

Anonymous said...

WTdoubleF!!!! Call me any time you need a shoulder to lean on!!! Beti