Monday, September 21

school of the home

Around here, there's been lots of talk about moms (and even some dads) pulling their kids out of the local public in order to live above the influence and school their chicklets at home. I myself shudder to think of a situation that would require me to be add full-time teacher of my kids to the list of monikers they already refer to me. Primary caretaker, medical technician, hygiene authority, therapist, nurturer, personal chef, chauffeur, life giver, social director, party planner, housekeeper, life guard, fitness coach, tutor, advocate, security officer, personal shopper, laundress, and biggest fan are already roles in which I spend quite a bit of time. I can't imagine having to also be responsible for a daily routine which would include curriculum, lectures, guided practice, independent practice, field trips, educationally-based teachable moments, authentic assessment and timely feedback. I'm not saying it can't be done, nor am I saying it shouldn't be. I just think that the world is large and full of authentic learning opportunities and attending school is, in my opinion, a significant one.

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