Monday, May 11

why i heart kettle korn

  • Prevents me from working on more important tasks I should be completing, e.g. laundry, packing for everyone in the house but me, cleaning, reading, working.
  • Random, hard as a rock, break your tooth un-popped kernels allow me to practice my filtering while eating skills.
  • Eating half a bag while hiding in my bedroom after a long day of sitting in silence brings a stone in my stomach comfort that wasn't there before.
  • Love trying to dig corn husks out the space between my gums and teeth with any razor sharp object handy. Woo hoo!
  • Salty-sweet flavor satisfies like nothing else can.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Oh, I am so glad you like this stuff.

It's like crack, isn't it? LOVE IT.