Thursday, January 29

final countdown

As a good friend pointed out to me, I am just about 36 hours away from my own personal D-Day. Having this induction scheduled since early LAST week has caused me difficulty. Why is that? you ponder. It's like having that awesome vacation planned a year in advance. You're constantly thinking, "I can't WAIT until that freakin' vacation!" I wake up in the middle of the night contemplating uterine tightenings and radiating pains. In the middle of working or watching TV or having a conversation, I think about it. Every time I have a low back pain, I think, THIS IS IT! Only to be devastated. I suppose the positive is that no matter what at 7:30 am on Saturday, January 31, 2009, I will be checking in to the hospital to finally have this baby.


Anonymous said...

Here's hoping everything goes well and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Hayden!

brandie said...

Thanks, Michelle!!!! I'm sure everything will be awesome. ; )

Rachel said...

I can't wait to see pics of that little tiny brown bundle of joy!! Is it weird that I said brown?