Monday, July 21


The most recent commercial for Dannon's new poop yogurt kind of freaks me out. Have you seen this thing? It's the one were the two women are hanging out by the pool. The peppy one asks the clearly stopped up one, "Hey! You gettin' in?" The other responds basically with "No thanks, I haven't pooped in weeks; I can't swim." Okay. I talk about poop and pooping a lot. I have friends and family that love the topic equally as much. All this poop discussion has never led to a situation where someone is NOT getting in the pool because they have an over due b.m. Aunt Flo visiting? Yes. Explosive diarrhea? Check. Projectile vomiting? No brainer. But Can't Poop Syndrome? No. Never. Not once. Every time I see the ad it freaks me out a little more. Who is this product's target audience? Should I not be submerging myself in bodies of water every time I experience some intestinal transit slowness?


Naomi said...

Intestinal Transit Slowness? Is that what they're calling it now? I would think that one's bowels would react positively while swimming in large body of water. Definitely couldn't hurt.

Rachel said...

I agree with Mona. The bathtub is my baby's "cup of coffee" as we say, because without fail, she poops in it 30 seconds after being submerged.

Until you're at the vomit stages because you're so backed up, swimming should still be an option.