Remember hanging out in trees, pretending to be explorers or astronauts or monkeys? Your biggest worry being not to "fall into the hot lava". Yelling and screaming and playing until your ma called or one of you fell and scraped something.
No matter where you go, there you are. Thoughts and rants and rambles about where I am.
All semblance of common sense is discarded as soon as parents drive into the lot. It's cut throat competition to be the first to get to the parent pick up area. Never mind that their dare devil maneuvers needlessly hem up the more sensible of us for minutes on end as they swerve and dive from line to line. Horns honk. Unpleasantries are exchanged. Drivers glare. Parents, tired of waiting, abandon their cars in search of their students. This causes the rest of us to curse them for gumming up the works even further. I sit behind the wheel and curse, wishing ill on all those causing catastrophe.
Isn't she sweet? I can't wait til she gets here.
Undoubtedly there will be many more to follow.