why i heart the doodlebug

- Answers to "DooDoo" without batting an eye
- Junior wordsmith: crafting gems like "my privacy" and "the hot pee pee"
- Enjoys a constant state of ashiness
- Routinely concocts brilliant ensembles such as jeans with mini-skirts and short-shorts with tank tops and knee high boots
- Fav at-home outfit: underpants, the rattier the better
- Consumes iceberg lettuce as if it were ambrosia
- Crazy big chiclet teeth
- Ability to go from calm to foaming at the mouth lunatic in about 4 seconds for no reason other than she can
- Will pick her nose in public if necessary (and, trust me, it frequently is)
- Transforms into a small, space heater while sleeping
- Won't hug or kiss you if she doesn't feel like it and doesn't care if it hurts your feelings
- Quick to tell you about yourself
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