Saturday, November 13


Dr. Brown confirmed that Mitchell's liver is failing.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it, but your mind does interesting things to protect us from really terrible truths.  We would have hospice here, but he has been granted a waiver and been allowed to continue ahead with the Aztec Clinical Trial.  And as long as he's still actively pursuing treatment, hospice cannot come.  I'm glad that Mitchell is a fighter.  The girls and I need him to continue to fight right now.  But I know there will be a time when he won't be able to push back any longer.  I'm just not ready for it today.

My dad is coming to stay with us.  I'm so thankful that he is able and willing to do this. If I'm honest though...I don't want anyone else here.  That's not realistic right now.  We need the help.  

I am thankful to have Mitchell, who is the strongest, most selfless person I have ever known.  Through all of this, he continues to put myself and the girls first.  He doesn't wallow in the questions that I know I would be consumed with at a time like this.  He faces each day with bravery and resolve and loves us and supports us through it all. 


Figuring It Out said...

Your dad is amazing. Your mom too. I love you, your girls, and Mitchell and I am praying for the strength you all need.

Rachel said...

I'm so glad to hear the news about your dad coming to help. Sending love and prayers your way.