Wednesday, August 11


Mitchell has an MRI scheduled for Friday.  That sick, fluttery feeling in my stomach has already begun.  He's been really struggling this week.  Headaches.  Exhaustion.  Breathlessness.  The headaches have been severe enough to cause him to actually take the meds Dr. Brown prescribed to fight the pain.  Unfortunately, they don't seem to do much.  I'm having difficulty deciding whether these symptoms are a result of treatment or cancer.  This morning I found myself running through a list of possible headache triggers aloud.  Decided I need to starting logging Mitchell's symptoms between treatments.  Maybe there's a pattern there that'll help me know what to expect and when.

Taylor's first dance is happening this Friday too.  I'm excited for her, but a little sad too.  She quietly confessed to me that she was the "only one" that hadn't been asked.  She shrugged it off but it's evident she's bothered.  Everyone likes to be asked, right?  I gave her the same line my mom gave me a million years ago when I was bemoaning a similar plight, "Boys are just intimidated by your beauty and confidence." 

I didn't believe her when she used it on me either.


Rachel said...

As always, thinking about and praying for your family. I think that Middle school is going to be harder on the us than our kids...we know how awful those pre-teens can be. Even if she doesn't buy your line, it's true. She's her mother's girl!
Missing you!

Figuring It Out said...

Not being asked to a dance does suck. :( There will be plenty more and hopefully she will be having to decide to pick one offer from many!

1 said...

Make sure you remind her that junior high boys are idiots.

Love you all and pray for you <3