Hayden has been sick for a couple of weeks now. Coughing and hacking...Clogged noses...Steam showers in the wee hours of the night. Lots and lots of green clumps of mucus. Vomiting mucus...Running mucus... It's truly disgusting. And scary because, I don't know if you realize this, but babies don't naturally breathe through their mouths. Yeah...Mouth breathers are not actually BORN mouth breathers...That happens later. Who knew, right?
The traditional snot sucking method wasn't really working (you've seen that institutional green bulb they send you home from the hospital with). And after three or so nights of trying to sleep sitting up with the Hay, I was frazzled. And exhausted. Then...A revelation. My girl, Rachel, mentioned a blog she did about boogers and how she had come across this NoseFrida contraption. Really? You want me to suck snot from my child's head. GAG. Any other time, I would have made a snide comment and moved on, but you see, I was desperate.
The thing is...This sucker WORKS! Amazingly well! It is (as previously mentioned) an effing revelation in baby booger management. Granted I gag every time I have to clean the thing post-use, but it clears out her nose, and I haven't scraped the inside of her delicate little petunia of a nose raw in the process.
1 comment:
YEAH!!! So glad to hear it! Too bad I don't make commission off referrals. :)
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