Tuesday, January 13

stair gymnastics

In the moments before you fall down the stairs, you have this surreal cartoon-character moment...Arms flailing, mouth shaped in an "O" making that "Woo! Woo! Woooooo!" sound. And then you fall, CRASH, THUMP, BANG! To land in a heap on the mid-point landing... Gasping for breath and laughing at yourself. You hear Mitchell running for the first time in a while and look up to see Taylor peek worriedly over the top railing. No one thinks it's funny but you. You can't stop laughing. Even though your butt is already sore. Even though Hayden is now performing some wild acrobatics en utero. But it is funny because you can picture exactly how ridiculous you looked as you tumbled down to land in a big pregnant lump.


Rachel said...

Please, please tell me you called your Dr. and told him/her that you fell. And please tell me that they told you you'd better come in just to be safe. And please tell me that you did go in, and that you and Hayden are in fact, okay.

Tell me?

brandie said...

I did in fact have a dr.'s appt today. And yes I did let her know that I took a little tumble. And she confirmed that ALL IS WELL!!!!