reasons not to unpack

- I need to catch up on all those Days of Our Lives episodes I have Tivo-ed.
- What is a guest room for, if not the storage of 35 unpacked boxes?
- 28 of those boxes contain crap that's not even mine, so why should I be the poor soul who has to dig through their dusty contents?
- GPS Assessment & Evaluation requires my super sharp statistical analysis skills.
- The downstairs needs swiffering.
- I just bought 3 new trashy novels and must begin reading immediately.
- Who will look after the children?
- America's Next Top Model is on tonight.
- My brows need a serious once over.
- I just can't be bothered.
I could compile a similar list entitled "Reasons Not to Write the Dissertation".
Too bad we both moved; we could procrastinate together!
Oh, how I wish!
ha :) that was a good chuckle :)
mom and i are having a slumber party in Eugene
just figured out how to take goofy pictures of ourselves with photo booth
maybe you'll get lucky and we'll send you one. ha
big hug!
Brandie, I have found that if your leave the boxes unpacked for several years, time will allow for you to just throw them away. Why wait?
Mom and Dad
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