No matter where you go, there you are. Thoughts and rants and rambles about where I am.
Tuesday, April 29
Monday, April 28
i may need that later
So this absolutely makes me feel like I am the most hygenic, organized, clutter-free being around. This show was a definite housewife/caretaker confidence builder.
Wednesday, April 23
reasons not to unpack

- I need to catch up on all those Days of Our Lives episodes I have Tivo-ed.
- What is a guest room for, if not the storage of 35 unpacked boxes?
- 28 of those boxes contain crap that's not even mine, so why should I be the poor soul who has to dig through their dusty contents?
- GPS Assessment & Evaluation requires my super sharp statistical analysis skills.
- The downstairs needs swiffering.
- I just bought 3 new trashy novels and must begin reading immediately.
- Who will look after the children?
- America's Next Top Model is on tonight.
- My brows need a serious once over.
- I just can't be bothered.
Tuesday, April 22

Although today, I was not able to watch my regular allotment of Matt and Ann due to their guest host. It was HORRIBLE. First of all, the woman is married to George W. Blech. Second, she behaves like an automaton. Seriously. Have you seen this woman in action? Horrifying. And while, yes her lipstick was flawless. Her ability to read the teleprompter and make pithy banter was abysmal. If you missed it, you were lucky.
Friday, April 18
everybody loves a fair
Monday, April 14
weird thing I like

One particularly delectable TV morsel was Rock of Love II. Have you seen this? It's spectacular. Bret Michaels flips me out. Have you seen this guy lately? Completely fabulous. I particularly enjoyed the old rocker dude eyeliner and stoner headband. Sweet.
And while every episode was filled with some ridiculously plastic, voluptuous 20 something wildly making out with oldie but goodie B.M., I was mesmerized.
I cannot help it. I am a TV whore. I will watch anything. Even if it's filled with alien-like women prostituting themselves for the 5 minutes of fame being the girlfriend of an 80's heavy metal front man gives them. Congrats to the happy couple.
As Bret would say, "Me likie."
random thing I like
Thursday, April 10
come on in

Upstairs loft aka the girls' room. Note super chic pink princess window covering. Jealous?
Wednesday, April 9
being neighborly
Monday, April 7
bffs we are not

Please don't invite yourself to dinner. Or assume that we are the type of super-friendly neighbors that happily child swap. I can barely tolerate my own children some days; I certainly don't want to hang out with yours. We are not close enough for you to simply waltz into my house, calling out, "Hey! What're you up to?" If I didn't answer your phone call, that's not a signal that you should just pop over to see what's got me so busy.
I realize this sounds bad. I can imagine the furrowed brows and tsk-tsking of all you who disagree. But every one's different. It takes all kinds. And I'm just not that kind of people.
Friday, April 4
things i do not aspire to be
- classroom teacher
- employee of the month
- member of the religious right
- neighborhood cool mom
- famous
- perfect wife
- perfect mother
- perfect anything