Saturday, February 20

i'm not your superwoman

One of the many, many things that I find more and more irritating these days is the idea of Mom as Superwoman.  Yeah...I realize this isn't a new thing.  TV's been trying to get us to swallow this pill for years, but it seems like a number of us maternal-types are buying. 

The majority of the women I seem to encounter are clearly all from the same school for over-achievers.  They are everything to everyone at all times and smiley and pleasant while they do it. 

It makes me want to puke. 

Monday, February 15

don't blink

Last month brought two important birthdays in the Harris household. My firstborn turned eleven, and Hayden is now a one year old. Hard to believe that time passes so quickly. It seems like just yesterday I was calling Stephanie to ask what she thought about the huge, warm puddle that had appeared beneath me on my bed as we chatted away. It passes in what seems the blink of an eye. One minute I'm wishing for everyone in the house to be able to wipe their own poopy asses, and the next we're trying for a third baby and beginning again. And while I'm looking forward to the time when once again everyone can wipe themselves, I am enjoying each moment with my girls. Even though Taylor is moody and Dylan never stops telling random, tv-inspired stories and Hayden is still nursing and bites sometimes, I love every second.